Sister Corita
Works from the 1960s
5. Oktober - 26. November 2006

Admired by Charles and Ray Eames, Buckminster Fuller and Saul Bass, Sister Corita Kent (1918-1986) was one of the most innovative and unusual pop artists of the 1960s, battling the political and religious establishments, revolutionizing graphic design and encouraging the creativity of thousands of people – all while living and practicing as a Catholic nun in California.
Although she made the front pages of many American newspapers and magazines, this is the first UK show of her work, which mixes advertising slogans and poetry to produce some of the most striking – and joyful – American art of the 1960s. The exhibition brings together many of the artist's serigraphs, produced during her time at the Immaculate Heart convent in Los Angeles, confronting the war in Vietnam and dealing with a culture saturated with advertising and visual information.
The exhibition is timed to coincide with the publication of a new study of Corita's work, Come Alive! The Spirited Art Of Sister Corita by Julie Ault (Four Corners Books, £15.95).

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